Gesy beneficiaries are not using the proper procedures when picking up their meds from pharmacies and are giving their personal information verbally rather than handing in their ID cards, the commissioner for personal data said on Monday.

Despite the instructions given directly by the office of the commissioner, Irini Loizidou Nicolaidou, as well as through the Health Insurance Organisation, the proper procedures are not being implemented, a statement said.

“Some Gesy beneficiaries, when executing prescriptions, instead of showing their identity card, give their information to the pharmacist verbally,” Nicolaidou said.

“I repeat that this practice carries risks, as this information may be heard by other people [in the pharmacy] and used illegally. Mistakes can also be made in entering data and executing prescriptions.”

“Protection of our personal data starts with ourselves,” she added.

Nicolaidou said that in the coming period, in addition to investigating complaints already received, spot checks will also be carried out.