President Nicos Anastasiades will attend an event on Wednesday the Ledra Palace, which will also be attended by Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar under the aegis of Colin Stewart, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.

The event relates to gender equality.

Anastasiades will be busy all week with back-to-back meetings and consultations, focusing on both the ongoing Cyprus problem and the island’s economy.

A statement from head of the president’s press office said states that on Monday morning the president would address the annual conference of the public service union Pasydy and will speak about the economy.

This will be followed by a meeting with president of the European Investment Bank.

On Tuesday he will receive Miroslav Jenča, the Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas in the United Nations Department of Political Affairs.

Anastasiades is expected to present his positions on the resumption of the talks for the Cyprus issue and the confidence building measures (CBMs). During the meeting the two men are expected to discuss the issue of the appointment of a UN envoy for Cyprus. Anastasiades will also brief the UN official on Turkey’s activities in the sea and on the ground which violate international law.

In addition to the Ledra Palace event, he will also meet Greece’s minister of digital governance on Thursday who is visiting the island in order to sign an MoU in the field of digital policy and cybersecurity with Cyprus’ deputy minister Kyriacos Kokkinos.

Later that day he will lay the foundation stone for the Leventis Foundations’ Department of Biological Sciences.

On Thursday he will receive the credentials of ten ambassadors and later will attend the InBusiness Awards event.

On Friday his agenda includes a meeting with Lebanon’s Foreign Minister, Abdullah Bou Habib, followed by a broad meeting with stakeholders and government officials to discuss the issue of private operations performed at clinics and hospitals on the island.