Nature has always been a source of inspiration for artists, mesmerised by its intricate, minuscule worlds and grand beauty. In an upcoming solo exhibition, artist Georgia Michaelides Saad aims to explore natural forms, flowers in particular.

Mysterium Tremendum will open at Limassol’s Exhibit 8 gallery on May 12 and will showcase the artist’s latest body of work. Georgia has participated in multiple exhibitions in the past, both in Cyprus and abroad, resulting in her artworks belonging to private collections locally but also in South Africa, Ireland, Russia and beyond.

In her latest solo exhibition she focuses on the world of flowers. According to the artist, the flowers are a representation of the microcosm in relation to the macrocosm, the finite as expressive of the infinite. Flowers have also been associated with a long-standing tradition which connects them to female sexuality as many of them resemble in form female genitalia.

This association has been given to her flowers as well. Although, through her artworks, she illustrates flowers with great detail and through an enlarged viewpoint of them. Through this method, the artist aims to transmit the feeling of awe and mystery that she experiences before even from the minutest forms of nature.

Mysterium Tremendum

Solo exhibition by Georgia Michaelides Saad. May 12-28. Exhibit 8 gallery, Limassol. Opening night: 7.30pm. Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-1pm and 2pm-11pm.