Despite flight cancellations and the loss of the Russian tourist market, hotels in Kissonerga have surpassed 90 per cent capacity, the community leader Giorgos Stylianou said Saturday.

According to data of the community council, capacity rates at the six hotels and tourist accommodations of the area are satisfactory at above 90 per cent, higher than in the past two years.

Stylianou told the Cyprus News Agency the rates are just below 2019 rates, before the pandemic outbreak in the island, which is considered a very successful year for hoteliers.

Considering this year’s problems caused by flight cancellation and delays, coupled with the loss of Russian market due to the sanctions imposed after the country invaded Ukraine, the community leader said capacity levels so far are considered “very good”.

In its efforts to improve the tourism product, Kissonerga community council has undertaken a major upgrade of its tourist area.

This includes the complete paving of roads, construction and repair of sidewalks as well as the construction of the Kissonerga two-kilometre coastal pathway along the coastline, connecting all the hotels in the tourist area. Furthermore, the council has proceeded with the upgrading of the community’s organised beaches.

The above actions have contributed greatly to the improvement and upgrading of the already very good tourist image of Kissonerga, explained Stylianou.