Big or short, the art of films is mesmerising and a day after the world celebrates International Animation Day, a series of short film screenings will take place around the island. Though the official Day is on October 28, the Cyprus events will be held on October 29 due to the previous day being a public holiday and screenings in Limassol, Nicosia, Paphos, Larnaca and Deryneia make sure to satisfy film fans country-wide.

A free movie night is planned for October 29 as the Cyprus chapter of the International Animated Film Association presents 11 short films. The selection of films has been curated by Panagiotis Kyriakoulakos, Zeynep Akcay and Michalis Kalopaidis and has a special focus on the East Mediterranean region.

The five locations to host parallel screenings are 6×6 Centre for Photography in Limassol, Home for Cooperation in Nicosia, Famagusta Avenue Garage in Deryneia, Attikon Multicultural Space in Paphos and EVOHK Gallery in Larnaca.

The evening’s screening programme includes two local films, Dragon Recipes by Maria Pavlou and Duma by Pascalis Pascali while films from Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Greece and Jordan will also be presented. They are Honayn’s Shoe, My Stuffed Granny, Wicked Girl, Between Bears, Apodemy, Missing, Playing House, Lost and Found, and In Other Words.

Film Screenings

Short animation films on International Animation Day. October 29. 6×6 Centre for Photography, Limassol, Home for Cooperation, Nicosia, Famagusta Avenue Garage, Deryneia, Attikon Multicultural Space, Paphos and EVOHK Gallery, Larnaka. Free. 7pm-9pm