Chronocatz and Goofball Gang are two new NFT projects that investors could consider buying, but which is the better option? In this article, we’ll discuss what they are and what the prospects are for both. There are only 5,5k Goofballs compared to 7.77k Chronocatz, but both are still low compared to many other collections that consist of 10-20k NFTs. Goofballs have the benefit of being interactive and animated, but Chronocatz will have better collateral value.

Chronocatz is a project from the team behind the decentralized watch trading platform and will add another element of value to the overall project. Chronoly mints NFTs of rare watches from the world’s top brands from an equivalent physical watch that is stored securely. Traditional watch investors will see opportunities to mix one of their favorite investments with the world of NFT tokens. Let’s dig deeper into the two projects.

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Goofball Gang sells out but not for blue-chip prices

The Goofball Gang is a collection of 5,472 interactive and customizable NFTs. They have all sold out but can be found on the secondary market at OpenSea, with a floor price of 0.019 ETH. Each NFT is algorithmically generated from 14 different traits, and there are five character types. Humans make up 95% of the collection, with cyborgs, bears, aliens, and cats having 1% each. The total sales volume for this collection is 68 ETH which is less than $100,000 so the project has sold out but not for a high price and this may not become a blue-chip project. The project developer says they are aspiring to be blue chip but ultimately it is up to each investor if they see a strong future for the collection.

Chronocatz Can stride ahead with CWC and Metaverse

Chronocatz NFTs are 7,777 Catz with stylish clothing and accessories, but the unique addition is the luxury timepiece each NFT is wearing which reflects a real-world watch. The watches are the rarity feature and will give each NFT a tier between 1-6 opening up different rewards for the owener. All holders get access to the Chrono Wealth Club, exclusive drops, secret auctions, and live events. You can also use your Chronocat NFT avatar to unlock special features and rooms in the Chronoly marketplace and ecosystem.

The outlook for the ecosystem makes Chronocatz a potentially better investment than Goofball Gang.

Goofballs are a new take on static NFTs, but they are simply a collection, while the Chronocatz has ties to the world of trading in luxury watches. These assets have been a substantial investment for decades, attracting wealthy investors and an exciting community for live events. The underlying value of watch brands will also add security and trust to the collection to provide collateral value for loans or additional watch purchases.

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