Larnaca municipality continues spraying to fight the yellow fever mosquito on Wednesday, a day before it begins the treatment of mosquito larvae in public and private areas.
In a statement, the municipality said the spraying continues against mosquitoes, “especially Aedes aegypti species, which are capable (under certain conditions) of transmitting diseases to humans, such as yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika virus and Chikungunya virus”.
Meanwhile, crews consisting of staff from the ministry of health and the municipality’s health Services are continuing the Aedes aegypti mosquito control campaign with door-to-door public information, larvicide spraying and the emptying of standing water containers.
As part of the campaign, the municipality added, “it was deemed necessary to carry out an insecticide campaign to combat this species of mosquito with an approved chemical preparation in public areas, i.e. parks, fences and other areas and in private areas such as yards and gardens of houses and businesses”.
During spraying in municipal parks, the public will be forbidden from entering for 24 hours. Relevant signs will be placed at the entrances, the announcement said.
As regards spraying in private areas, such as gardens of houses, lawns, fences and elsewhere, the written consent of the owner will be required, which will include details of the precautionary measures to be taken.
The municipality informs that mosquito control will be implemented from tomorrow, Thursday and calls on residents to “cooperate with the relevant agencies for the best possible outcome and protection of public health”.
For any information, the public can contact the Larnaca Municipality office for complaints on 24816530.
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