The vision of the startup and innovation ecosystem in Cyprus should be about changing the ‘DNA’ of the people living in Cyprus.

People should start to think differently and find innovative solutions to their problems.

The ecosystem should promote and embrace constant change and growth for a better life.

Companies must try to disrupt and create more innovative products. Products that solve real problems and have the potential to grow globally.

The ecosystem should promote and build solutions that include Sustainable Development Goals. We need to help more startups or social enterprises with social impact to succeed.

Focusing only on bringing tech companies to Cyprus and branding our island as a tech tax haven is not sustainable.

Attracting tech companies is only a small step of what needs to be done in the next few years to become closer to the suggested vision.

Branding Cyprus as a tax haven for big tech companies is wrong. It will backfire and create another bubble similar to the golden passports and the real estate bubble.

The multicultural tech and innovation ecosystem in Cyprus has so much to showcase. It has so much to offer.

A bright example of changing this mindset is the Robotex competition and how our youth teams win gold medals in global tech competitions.

Our youth is leading by example. Actions always speak louder than words.

Another good example is the creation of the ecosystem tech mapping from TechIsland and Dealroom. You can find and register your startup at

Let’s build a sustainable startup and innovation ecosystem.

Let’s promote it the right way and avoid highlighting its tax benefits.