Justice Minister Stephie Dracou hailed on Wednesday another important step towards judicial reform as she received the study for the establishment of the courts service.

“The progress achieved so far makes me confident to say that we are nearing the end of a long road. Maybe at a slower pace than we would like but definitely in the right direction,” Dracou said.

The project is co-funded by the EU and the Council of Europe, which managed the programme, and aims to set up the independent courts service which will partake in the management, administration and support of the courts.

Dracou said the necessity of such a body was outlined in a 2018 report titled “functional review of the courts system in Cyprus”.

The minister claimed that the services’ implementation, along with other reforms, will “significantly improve efficiency”.

The new administration will incorporate the existing infrastructure but will address other skill shortages and specialist requirements through new hirings.

Dracou said that some of the core improvements will be seen through a better support system for judges which will allow them to focus more sharply on their judicial duties.

It also aims to improve budgeting, planning, risk management, strategic planning, better management of resources and modernisation of the courts.

Pointing to the wider changes taking place in the judicial sector, Dracou stated that: “2022 was a milestone year for the justice system. Very important laws were enacted, establishing the Supreme Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, the new Court of Appeal and the Commercial and Admiralty Courts.

In July, former Supreme Court president Myron Nicolatos described the delays in the adjudication of cases as the “Achilles’ heel” of Cyprus’ justice system.