House President, Annita Demetriou rejected Turkish allegations that the invasion of Cyprus in 1974 was carried out by Turkey with a view to protect Turkish Cypriots living on the island.

According to a House press release, President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Mustafa Sentop, speaking at the speakers’ conference of the European Union Parliaments (EUSC) in Prague on Monday, questioned Demetriou’s her references to the Turkish invasion and occupation of Cyprus, saying that Turkey is a guarantor power on the basis of the Zurich – London Treaties and therefore was obligated to protect the Turkish Cypriots after the 1974 coup.

Demetriou critisized Sentop’s references to a “Greek Cypriot administration” and denial of the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus, and said there can be no legitimisation of invasion of one country by another, saying that “invasion is invasion and occupation is occupation.”

“We have the responsibility to avoid the policy of double standards,” Demetriou said, in reference to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.