Disy leader Annita Demetriou and MP Nicos Tornaritis met the president of Dipa Marios Garoyian on Wednesday to discuss current issues and specifically the developing situation in Varosha.

The three also exchanged views on the Cyprus problem and on initiatives aimed at coming up with a potential solution to it.

Demetriou said the aim of the meeting is to encourage a restart of negotiations, “as this is the only way to curb Turkish provocations and negative actions that hinder a future that Cyprus deserves.”

On his part, Garoyian said an open dialogue between his party and Disy would pave the way to create the conditions for a development of the country in the right direction.

“We agreed that, through a positive and constructive dialogue, we will find solutions and idea that can be useful and beneficial to our political system and to our society,” Garoyian said.

“We are facing great challenges, but we have the opportunity to provide our country with further development.

Garoyian added that, although Dipa is part of the government and Disy stands as the opposition, the political differences “must be put aside for the good of the country and its citizens.”

Regarding the Cyprus problem, the Dipa leader said that “the stagnating situation and, more in general, the lack of active initiatives on the part of the international community, are not helpful for achieving a solution, but, on the contrary, they create problems and side effects.”

Other topics discussed during the meeting included the reform of local government and potential law proposals to be submitted to the House.

“It is in the interest of everyone in Cyprus to strive for positive cooperation between parties, to reconcile opinions, and to collaborate for the good of our homeland,” Demetriou said.