On Wednesday the weather will be mainly clear. Winds will be variable, light to moderate up to 4 Beaufort, later turning south-westerly to north-westerly. The sea will be calm to slightly rough. Temperatures will rise to 29 C in the interior, 25 C on the south and east coasts, 24 C on the remaining coasts and 19 C in the higher mountains.

On Wednesday night the weather will remain mostly clear with temporarily increased high clouds. Winds will be mainly north-westerly to north-easterly and locally variable, weak up to 3 Beaufort. The sea will remain calm to slightly rough. Temperatures will drop to 15 C in the interior, 16 C on the coasts and 10 C in the higher mountains.

Thursday and Friday will be partly cloudy at times with possibility of showers on Thursday night, mainly in the mountains. Light dust will be observed, expected to clear up by Saturday.

Temperatures will rise on Thursday to fluctuate slightly above average while on Friday, a drop is expected to bring temperatures close to average, remaining stable on Saturday.