Fire fighters rescued a dog that had fallen 200 metres into a ravine, with EMAK setting up a rescue operation.
According to fire service spokesman Andreas Kettis, it was a difficult and dangerous rescue.
“A difficult dog rescue was carried out yesterday by our members of the Paphos Fire Brigade and EMAK. A dog, accompanied by its owner, fell into a ravine about 200 meters deep in the area of the Community of Kathika, Paphos District,” he Tweeted on Sunday.
“He was rescued by our members with a coordinated operation and delivered unharmed to his owner,” Kettis continued.
Μπράβο στα μέλη μας για τη δύσκολη και επικίνδυνη διάσωση. Αυτό καταδεικνύει την άρτια εκπαίδευση τους. Μία δύσκολη διάσωση σκύλου πραγματοποίησαν χθες τα μέλη μας των Πυροσβ Σταθμών Πάφου και ΕΜΑΚ. Σκύλος ενώ συνόδευε τον ιδιοκτήτη του έπεσε σε χαράδρα βάθους 200 περίπου ➡️
— Andreas Kettis (@akettis) July 2, 2023
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