Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) is participating in a €3.9 million project to develop an academy specialising in construction based training.

BuildSkills Academy project brings together 17 partners from 10 European countries, who will work together to achieve its main goal – creating a pan-European framework and scheme for certification and upgrading of knowledge and skills for the so-called “twin” transition (green and digital) in the construction sector.

From Cyprus, three different organisations are participating in the project, namely the Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak), the Cyprus Certification Company (CCC) and the Kykloikodromio.

The kick-off meeting of the Academy for Transitional Skills in the Built Environment project took place in Sofia, Bulgaria between June 26 and 28. The project officially started on June 1 this year with a total budget of €3,938,490.

The three-day event was hosted by the coordinator of the project – Cleantech Bulgaria Ltd. – an innovation support network organisation based in Sofia working actively on twin transition and skills development.

The organisations provide vocational education and training to update and adapt the services offered to the emerging new needs in the field of green and digital skills.

A BuildEnrichedSkills methodology will be prepared to promote the offering of training related to the real needs of the labour market when applying the “lifelong learning” approach, including reskilling and upskilling.

Another leading objective is the creation of a certification framework for the recognition of skills and competences corresponding to the needs of the twin transition.

The results achieved by the project will be transferred to 12 pilot projects in six countries, involving 300 trainees and reaching 100 vocational training providers, 1,000 companies and 20 organisations at European level in the field of construction skills.

The Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment project is co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme.