Health Minister Popi Kanari instructed the national health insurance organisation (HIO) on Saturday to present her with a study on the basic national health scheme (Gesy) services to be offered in rural areas by the end of November.

During a visit to one of the centres in Pyrgos Tyllirias, Kanari said that the study would be evaluated by the ministry and then sent on to all the health centres in rural areas.

She added that the study will cover services related to primary care, services related to outpatient care, ambulance services, and emergency services related to A&E Departments.

After accepting the visit of Kato Pyrgos community leader Nikos Kleanthous to visit and see the issues that they face at their medical centre, she said she was satisfied and that her ministry’s goal is promote various issues, including that of the study on rural health services.

She added that HIO will continue to upgrade health care, which will cover both critical and remote areas including Polis Chrysochou, Pyrgos, and mountainous areas.

“This will be achieved in cooperation with the Okypy [state health services organisation], which is responsible for these centres and their operation with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers,” she said.

She added that if necessary, the private sector will also help.

Kanari called on Okypy, which operates the Tylliria centre through a telemedicine service, to find a solution due to the distance.

“There are some needs, that’s why we are here to listen and promote some actions for equal access to the health system like all the parties included in Gesy,” she said.

Kleanthous on his part said that residents in the area live in a remote area and that there many problems. He added that as the community council they need to have an upgrade medical centre in Tylliria, with better equipment and more staff, as well as ambulances.