A Cyprus Airways aircraft scheduled to fly from Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris to Larnaca airport on Monday was delayed until further notice due to technical reasons, according to a statement released by the airline on Tuesday

“Cyprus Airways’ engineers are working extensively checking the aircraft with a view to return it to normal operations as soon as possible and minimise delays and inconveniences to passengers,” the statement said.

Cyprus Airways also said it secured all passengers a way to return to Cyprus by the end of Tuesday, in collaboration with other partner-airlines.

“Both the passengers and Cyprus Airways crew were overnighted in a hotel,” the statement continued.

“Safety remains Cyprus Airways’ topmost priority and the airline will leave no stone unturned to ensure safe operations.”

Despite the airline’s assurances, however, some of the flight’s passengers took to social media to express their disappointment at the situation.

“Cyprus Airways has left an entire plane load of people stranded in Paris since 11am yesterday,” a passenger told the Cyprus Mail.

“Claiming technical error, [they] sent everyone to a hotel last night and they were returned to the airport at 4am this morning.

“The technical fault hasn’t been fixed and information is very limited. Sounds exactly what happened in Rome about a month ago.”

The passenger made reference to a similar incident that took place at the end of August, when a Cyprus Airways flight remained stranded for almost three days in Rome due to a technical fault of the plane, before the passengers were returned to Cyprus.

Passengers at the time described the situation as “especially difficult for families with children, as they had to stay for two nights outside their country and their home”.