Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot left-wing parties will meet over the weekend in the fifth conference ‘The Left and the Cyprus Problem’, an announcement said on Thursday.
The conference will be attended by leftist political party leaders in Cyprus, including Akel general-secretary Stefanos Stefanou and CTP party leader in the north Tufan Erhurman.
The conference will be held on Saturday from 8:30am until 5:30pm at the Home for Cooperation in the buffer zone in Nicosia.
The conference has been held since 2016, and the goals “were and remain the unreserved pursuit of peace on the island and the reunification of Cyprus as a bizonal, bicommunal federation with political equality”.
In their announcement ahead of the conference, the left on both sides said that the existence of both communities and the prospects of finding a solution are dwindling, due to the leaders on both sides.
“The Anastasiades government has severely damaged the prospect of solution, with Christodoulides’ government following the same anti-solution policy, while Erdogan’s and Tatar’s policies constantly undermine the autonomy of the Turkish Cypriot community,” the announcement said.
Along with the speeches by Stefanou and Erhurman, another 29 individuals involved in the whole process of Cyprus negotiations will speak.
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