Two newly-built Japanese cargo ships that will fly the Cyprus flag were officially named by Deputy Shipping Minister Marina Hadjimanoli during her recent trip to Japan, while more are expected to be added.

The trip aimed to fortify Cyprus’ standing in the global maritime arena.

The naming of the Ammochostos and the Kerynia was held as part of the continuous promotion of Cyprus shipping, aimed at attracting international companies to the island and bolstering the Cypriot registry.

During her four-day visit, Hadjimanoli met shipowners, executives of shipping companies, financial institutions and shipyards, outlining the advantages and services offered by the Cypriot register.

Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), one of the world’s largest transport companies, committed to strengthening its fleet with Cypriot-flagged ships, demonstrating confidence in the Cyprus registry.

The two cargo ships belong to the Safe Bulkers company and were named after the occupied towns to mark almost 50 years since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Hadjimanoli expressed her gratitude to Polys Hajioannou, CEO and owner of Safe Bulkers, for continuous support of the Cyprus registry.