Cyprus holds the third highest share of foreign-born residents in EU, Eurostat data revealed on Wednesday.

The highest proportion among EU residents born abroad (in another member state or in third countries) was recorded in Luxembourg at 50.4 per cent, followed by Malta at 28.3 per cent and Cyprus at 22.7 per cent.

The lowest shares were recorded in Poland (2.5 per cent) and Bulgaria (2.6 per cent).

The largest numbers of foreign-born residents (EU and non-EU countries) in 2023 were recorded in Germany (16.5 million persons), France (8.9 million) and Spain (8.2 million).

Luxembourg also had the highest proportion of residents born in another EU country (33.2 per cent).

This was followed by Cyprus (10.6 per cent).

The lowest number of residents born in other EU countries, below 1 per cent, were recorded in Poland (0.6 per cent), Lithuania (0.7 per cent) and Bulgaria (0.9 per cent).

Regarding residents born in third countries, the highest proportions were recorded in Malta (20.9 per cent) and Luxembourg (17.2 per cent), followed by Ireland, Sweden and Estonia with a share of 15.2 per cent each.

Cyprus was lower, at 12.1 per cent.