Defence Minister Vasilis Palmas on Friday addressed the graduation ceremony for the new frogmen of the National Guard at the ‘Evangelos Florakis’ naval base.

Speaking to the graduates, Palmas acknowledged the rigorous requirements and skills needed to join and complete the training for the special unit.

“Today, your efforts and immense strength are rewarded. You stand before us with pride as you officially join one of the most elite divisions of the National Guard.” Palmas said, congratulating the new frogmen for their dedication and high spirits, noting that their journey was one of duty and service to their country.

Palmas reminded the graduates of the significant responsibility they now carry, stressing that the skills they acquired would be vital in a unit that demands courage, dynamism, physical and mental strength, and absolute commitment.

Defence Minister - OIK graduation ceremony

“Our country needs disciplined, conscientious young people like you, with high morale and mental resilience. Your journey so far guarantees your success,” he said.

Palmas also highlighted the contribution of the navy in humanitarian missions and search and rescue operations, underlining its readiness to act whenever required within the jurisdiction of the Republic.

The defence minister announced that, recognising the significant contribution of Navy personnel, the Council of Ministers approved regulations to establish a sailing allowance for members of the Army of the Republic serving on warship crews when they are at sea, moored, or anchored outside the territorial waters of Cyprus.

Palmas then reiterated the defence ministry’s commitment to upgrading the National Guard’s combat forces and adapting to the requirements of the modern operational environment.

“By maintaining our defence capabilities at a high level and strengthening the deterrent power of the National Guard, we aim to safeguard our national security and territorial integrity,” he said.

“Congratulations once again on your success. I wish you health, fulfilment of your goals, and every personal and family happiness. The state will be by your side,” Palmas concluded.