Cypriots aged 20-64 worked an average of 38.5 hours per week in their main job in 2023, slightly above the EU average of 36.1 hours, according to data released by the EU’s statistical office Eurostat.
The highest average weekly working hours by sector in Cyprus were recorded in agriculture, forestry, and fishing with 45.7 hours. This was followed by domestic workers with 44.1 hours and mining and quarrying with 44.0 hours. The hospitality and food service sector also ranked high compared to the EU average, with 42.9 hours compared to 36.9 across the bloc.
The sectors with the lowest average weekly working hours on the island were education with 33.8 hours and activities for extraterritorial organisations and bodies – such as the United Nations and the specialised agencies of the United Nations system – with 37.3 hours.
Across the EU, the highest average weekly working hours were recorded in Greece with 39.8 hours, Romania with 39.5, Poland with 39.3, and Bulgaria with 39.0.
The lowest average weekly working hours were observed in the Netherlands with 32.2 hours, Austria with 33.6, and Germany with 34.0.
The economic activities with the highest average weekly working hours in the EU in 2023 were agriculture, forestry, and fishing with 41.5 hours, mining and quarrying with 39.1, and construction with 38.9.
The sectors with the lowest average weekly working hours were domestic workers with 26.7 hours, education with 31.9, and arts, entertainment and recreation with 33.0.
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