When it comes to using smartphones, the possibilities are endless. They make excellent tools for just about everything, including running a business, taking notes in class, and creating content for platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Almost everything you could ever need to do online you can do from your smartphone.
People are constantly discovering new ways to use their phone, and if you don’t already know, here’s what’s currently trending.
New AI features
With each new smartphone model that gets released, we don’t usually see many significant changes. Sometimes processors are a little faster, camera quality increases, and that’s about all. However, when Apple launched the iPhone 15, it came with brand new features, like generative-AI and other AI advancements.
The most impressive AI feature Apple has released is the generative AI that will alter specific areas of a photo by adding something of your choice or by removing something and seamlessly blending the area into the background. For example, you could take 10 different photos of the same group of people and then select each person’s best face from a variety of photos to create a final photo that shows everyone’s best expression. You can also remove unwanted objects, like benches or lamp posts, and even people.
The other amazing AI feature that’s trending right now is instant, live translation for live calls. Yes, it’s finally here. Apple has the ability to translate live phone calls in many different languages. With this feature, each person will have their side of the call translated into the language of their choice. This makes it possible for friends and business associates to talk more easily.
There’s also a built-in translator that now comes with the iPhone so you can translate anything easily rather than having to copy and paste text into a separate translator app.
Unprotected devices are a status symbol
Not all smartphone trends are positive, like the latest trend of going caseless. While most people opt for durable cases to protect their investment, movie characters are frequently depicted using smartphones without cases, and while nobody knows exactly why, product placement might be the reason. Perhaps the phone manufacturers are paying for caseless placements to show off the full, unobstructed design of their devices. Either way, going caseless has become some kind of status symbol in the real world, too.
It’s not just movie characters who are walking around without protecting their phones. Over the years, celebrities and billionaires have been photographed using caseless iPhones and it’s believed to be their way of showcasing their wealth. It doesn’t matter if they drop their phone, crack the screen, or if it accidentally tumbles out of the car window going 80 miles per hour on the freeway – the cost of a replacement for them is just pocket change.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with following this trend if that’s what appeals to you. Not using a case has many benefits. Your phone stays thinner, it feels better, it’s easier to slide in and out of your pocket, and it doesn’t look so bulky. Just make sure you really want to take the risk because one drop can cost you hundreds in repairs, if not the full cost of a replacement.
Smartphone owners are becoming professional photographers
Many photographers who spent time developing their careers behind a high-end SLR lens may not agree that iPhone photographers are ‘professionals,’ but the reality is, being a professional photographer has nothing to do with your choice of tools, but rather, the fact that photography is your profession.
Now that smartphones have cameras with amazing specs and additional lenses that can capture better photos just like expensive equipment, a lot of people are tapping into their inner photographer. It doesn’t matter if they’re the best – people love photography, and even so-called amateurs are rising to the ranks of professionals all thanks to smartphone cameras and accessories.
Smartphones are preferred for content creation
These days, anyone with a phone can become a content creator. It’s a matter of finding something interesting to talk about or document. Although, the standards aren’t really that high, since some of the simplest videos – like cats stuffing themselves into small boxes – get the most views. This is one trend that is unlikely to change anytime soon.
Some trends come and go
Although some smartphone trends come and go, a handful are likely here to stay, like generative AI and live language translation. However, as usual, we will see even more trends as smartphone technology improves and even more features are introduced in future lineups.
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