The European Space Agency (ESA) has awarded the Cyprus Awareness Raising and Education Study (CARES) project to the local ‘1010 Cosmos’ consortium, under the title “Space Horizons: Bridging the Gap Between Cyprus and the Cosmos”.

The initiative aims to enhance the country’s engagement with space science and technology and increase public awareness about the field.

The project, which will run for one year, is supported by the Interstellar Institute and ADELVE Research, Innovation, Consulting & Trade.

The department of electronic communications, part of the deputy ministry of research, is also involved in the initiative.

The project brings together local experts, internationally recognised astrophysicists, and Cyprus’ astronomy infrastructure, which include the Cyprus Planetarium, the Troodos Observatory, the Amiantos and Arodes astroparks, and the Idalion Lyceum Science Park.

A variety of activities are set to planned for the public, including school visits, space-themed films related to Cyprus, TV and radio shows, art exhibitions, public talks by space experts, and interactive competitions.

The programme, yet to be released, will conclude with a three-day festival focused on space science and technology at the Cyprus Planetarium.