The ePhyLi project is an Erasmus+ Sport project funded by the Erasmus+ programme (Project Number: 101089928), aiming to promote and develop an understanding of Physical Literacy and a healthy lifestyle among students studying sports sciences and physical education, with the ultimate goal of promoting physical literacy at schools.
The ePhyLi project is being implemented to address the challenges associated with the global decline in physical activity. An increasing number of people are adopting sedentary and inactive lifestyles, resulting in rising rates of obesity, numerous health conditions, and premature mortality. Physical literacy is a challenge in how individuals engage with and understand physical activity. It involves providing people with the motivation, confidence, motor skills, knowledge, and understanding to appreciate and take responsibility for lifelong participation in physical activity.
Physical literacy approaches physical activity holistically, encompassing emotional, physical, and cognitive engagement in physical activity—how one behaves, thinks and participates. The development of physical literacy is linked to the enjoyment of movement, the confidence to move freely, the knowledge of how to move and why movement is important, as well as creativity in physical activity. It is a unique and personal lifelong journey, centered on the personal fulfillment of an individual’s potential.
Given the critical role that educators, specifically physical education teachers, play in shaping students’ attitudes toward physical activity, it is vital to enhance and equip their paedagogical approaches to effectively promote physical literacy in schools.
The ePhyLi project aims to support the training of both university students and in-service physical education teachers on issues related to understanding physical literacy, and how it can be promoted and developed through physical education. To achieve this, the project consortium has developed comprehensive educational material, available in the form of an e-book consisting of eight learning modules. Additionally, the consortium is preparing digital educational material, specifically an online platform featuring interactive content and comic books, as well as a digital application based on gamification principles.
Highlighting physical literacy as a priority in physical education is essential for raising awareness about lifelong health and well-being.
The project is being coordinated by the University of Central Lancashire Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus), with the consortium including Libera Università di Bolzano (Italy), GrantXpert Consulting Ltd (Cyprus), Infinitivity Design Labs (France), and EUPEA (European Physical Education Association) (Luxembourg). The project commenced in November 2022 and will conclude in October 2025.
Learn more information about the project:
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