Two people were remanded in custody for eight days on Thursday after having been arrested in connection with an attempted murder in the Limassol suburb of Ayia Phyla on Monday night.

The pair, a 25-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman, had been arrested after a man was shot in the leg.

In court on Thursday, a police representative explained that a “large quantity” of drugs had been found in the man’s house following a search which was carried out after the shooting.

The defence’s lawyer objected to the woman’s remand, saying that she had not been living with the man. However, this claim is still being investigated, and as such, she remains in custody.

Shots had been fired at a 39-year-old man on Monday evening. The man was injured in the incident.

Testimony was obtained against the 25-year-old, based on which a court warrant was issued for his arrest.

Police conducted a search on Tuesday at the man’s house, during which 2,435kgs of cannabis, 940 grammes of cannabis resin, 105 grammes of cocaine, a full firearm cartridge, and €1,575 and $200 in cash were located and seized.

Arrest warrants were issued against the two for illegal possession of drugs with the aim of supplying them to another person, illegal possession of explosives and money laundering.