A long-time Cypriot friend absolutely adored Johnny Logan and What’s another year? On her greetings cards she writes rhyming poetry, declaring ‘The other kind is just chopped up prose!’ Neither of us has a Party, we view events objectively. A New Year card bore lines of rancour.
Displaced during the Cyprus troubles of the 60s and in the Turkish invasion of 1974, she has tremendous sympathy for Ukrainians, ‘But they have willing Western help.’ and Palestinians, ‘Public platitudes, but covertly the West thinks Israel should have it all, or so it appears by their cruel inaction.’ We concur.
‘What’s another year to someone who’s lost everything that they own?’ Titled her lines and, ‘While useless leaders blah and feast, Palestinian babies freeze.Their children safely tucked away as hostages live with fear each day. The daughters and sons of others die, as tortured mothers wail and cry. The ghosts of Belsenwatch in shame atrocities set beside their name. Those who rule us day by day, pale shadows of giants that led the way. Gandhi’s peaceful voice was stilled, Mandela’s wisdom died with him. The dream of Martin Luther King remains a hope still unfulfilled. Their guidance felled for power or greed, the poor worldwide, betrayed in need. Strong leaders deal in honesty, the weak rule with mendacity.’
Media speculators pondered pre-last year’s elections the damage Hard Right gains could do to set patterns of elite governance routinely failing everyday voters. The biggest gladiatorial contest was in the USA. Elon Musk hitched his star to Donald Trump, the former TV star he once despised.
Switching convenience-allegiance in politics is common, with Musk it needs no deep analysis. Conspiracy theories state the real power isn’t in governments, but with wealthy businesses financially supporting parties. Musk’s hokey-kokey right foot in, right foot out, tango with Trump fan UK’s Nigel (Reform) Farage, added fuel to that fire. Kudos to Farage who resisted Musk’s interference.
Trump’s willingness to increase oil extraction, coupled with Musk’s new official powers cause environmental alarm, blatant business interests now have a foot and mouth in the Oval Office. However, when an old immovable object meets an irresistible force, as the old song goes, something’s gotta give! If a split comes between M&T, it will erupt like Krakatoa.
Elected Labour members walked out on UK PM Keir Starmer (his leadership derided by Elon Musk) displeased with his government’s actions they consider a betrayal of Labour’s duty to the working class.
Ireland and Cyprus are sailing along nicely with surpluses building. Trump’s take on Palestine is not Ireland’s, its luxurious tech-tax duvet comes from the US. Tremors of ‘What if he takes that away?’ are causing uncertainty as tech giants, with an eye on increasing AI dollars court Trump ala Musk. Will cheaper-Cyprus’ budding romance with America draw tech firms from Ireland?
Governmental thrift with public money is wise, but for the first time, Cyprus has experienced homelessness, social housing is vital, build it fast. In wealthy Ireland, homeless children suffer inaction, yet one idiot politician pre-election, suggested giving every newborn baby in areas certainly not in dire need €1,000 to bank and add to for future studies!
Both small EU islands are laggards at tackling environmental pollution. Cyprus lets delicate spaces be destroyed; losing out to our build-driven mentality. Notorious in the EU for killing birds, we’re now endangering protected turtles. The disgruntlement of absentee voters should give EU non-performing parties the stark warning their priorities need to shift socially downwards, not upwards/inwards.
Public money in Ireland and Cyprus has been used for purposes unconnected with common, public welfare. People have grown weary, more aware of wasted-money projects as their personal income tightens and public money is ill spent, or not recouped.
Some friends are slowly lapsing into dementia, my wish for their New Year? Techies, create an intervention implant to keep synapses zapping. Just another year? Or will something better give?
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