Swedish fugitive Hans Jonny Uven, 49, gave his consent on Friday to be extradited to Sweden.

Uven, who had escaped from legal custody, was arrested in December at Larnaca airport under a European warrant issued by the Swedish authorities, for involvement in financial fraud amounting to €90 million, allegedly committed in his country.

Although Uven agreed to be extradited, he will remain in Cyprus until the trial for his escape from a medical facility in Larnaca, while under police guard, is concluded.

Until then, he will remain at the central prisons.

On January 8, the two suspects – a police man and Uven’s lawyer – who hatched his escape plan, were re-remanded in court for six days.

The pair had been arrested in the early hours of December 31, at their homes in Larnaca, and were being investigated for assisting the escape of a person under lawful detention, conspiracy to commit a felony, transactions that constitute corruption and abuse of power.

Uven was first arrested on December 6 at Larnaca airport.

He managed to escape while under police guard on the afternoon of December 22 from the clinic where he had spent 15 days after being admitted for chest pains and gastroenteritis.

After Uven’s escape, police launched a manhunt, and he was located and arrested at noon on December 23.