By Ioannis Dimitriadis, Xenion High School

Poetry, often overlooked in recent times, has been regaining its place in Cyprus through initiatives like Poetry Slam competitions. On January 17, 2025, Xenion High School hosted its own Poetry Slam, bringing together 20 students from Xenion and Heritage School, along with six renowned poets. The event included a workshop and a competition, offering students a chance to learn, explore and showcase their poetic talents.

The day began at 11am with a workshop led by poets Annetta Benzar, Maria Kouvarou and Andros Zacharia. They introduced the concept of poetry slams, describing them as the “most eloquent form of art”. Poetry Slams were born in the 1960s as a street-style expression of poetry.

Thereafter, students participated in activities designed to build confidence and break out of their comfort zones, with the poets sharing tips on creating impactful performances. Specifically, Benzar emphasised storytelling, Kouvarou highlighted the importance of voice and breathing, and Zacharia inspired students with lessons on overcoming discomfort and embracing insecurity. Zacharia’s analogy of poetry as fire which needs fuel, spark, flame and oxygen resonated deeply, leaving students with a renewed sense of self-belief.

During the lunch break, students from both schools bonded quickly. Instead of rehearsing in the amphitheatre, they socialised, shared poetry tips, and explored Xenion together. This companionship set a convivial and supportive tone for the competition. Even after the event, the students’ enthusiasm continued, evident in group photos and shared laughter.

The moment for the poetry slam arrived at 2pm at Xenion’s amphitheatre, a microphone serving as the sole prop. Students from Xenion Junior School joined the audience, along with participants’ parents, creating an encouraging atmosphere. Event facilitator Despina Sidiropoulou welcomed everyone and introduced the judges: Benzar, Kouvarou and Zacharia, along with Alexandros Chronides and Ideogramma organisers Lily Michaelides and Nora Hadjisotiriou.

Each student performed a three-minute poem on topics ranging from personal growth and the environment, to war and melancholy. The heartfelt performances captivated the audience and judges alike, making the voting process highly engaging.

After much deliberation from the judges, the event concluded with Evita Troisi from Xenion winning the upper school category for her poem on freedom and despair. Leith Ryan Meshal from Heritage took the lower school prize with his humorous take on the internet. The popular vote was won by Troisi. Runners-up were Mrinali Jha and Karin Fradi from Heritage, and Annabelle Greppo and Diana Melnyk from Xenion.

Regardless of the results, all participants emerged victorious for their creativity and courage, stepping into the boundless world of poetry where imagination reigns and inclusivity thrives. The Youth Poetry Slam served as a prequel for the upcoming Poetry Slam Cyprus in March, hosted by Ideogramma.