Feeding fruit and nut trees is a priority this month. Spread three mugsful of 20.10.10 fertiliser around the root area of the trees and if there is no rain, water the ...
After all the excitement of the Christmas and New Year celebrations, January can be sort of a let down! Not a lot to look forward to unless you are a ...
Christmas time again and even if you think you are ready indoors, there are still jobs to do in the garden before the ‘Festive Season’ gets under way.
I know ...
Cyprus is renowned for ‘wall to wall’ sunshine for a great deal of the year and some rain during the winter. This year has been quite an exception with very ...
October is the start of the Cyprus gardening year for me as well as many other serious gardeners. If this has been your first taste of how hot a Cyprus ...
In September, even though the temperatures can still be high, around 30C and perhaps a little more, and whilst tourists from Northern Europe may come for our autumn sunshine, we ...
We have lived here for 24 years and I think this has been the hottest and longest summer during that time. Although many of the trees in our garden were selected ...
Phew, what a heatwave we have had during the last couple of months! This is when you really have to look after your plants. The time for planting trees and ...
Halfway through the year already and the gardens are looking very summery, although not quite dried out yet by the burning summer sun. After the spring season here with gentle ...
Newcomers to the island may ask ‘What goes on in our gardens here in May?’
There are many different flowers in bloom including roses, which always seem to be around, ...
Plants thrive and flowers bloom as insects buzz about
As the early bulbs go over, then other flowers are desperate to take their places. The calla lily bed in my ...
This is the month when we see great changes in the garden. There are swathes of bright yellow in the countryside, a foretaste of the sunny weather to come. Not ...
I am always pleased when February comes along, even though it is usually a cold wet month, as it means that spring is not far away with all the excitements ...
January is one of those months when you are not quite sure what the weather will be doing. We could have sunny or cloudy, rainy days (according to those who ...
It’s always a problem figuring out what to give gardeners for Christmas.
I know that I receive lots of gardening gloves, all very useful but not very imaginative.
As ...
I don’t suppose that Cyprus is any different to other places for weather variations except that we know we will have wall to wall sunshine for a great deal ...
I have always been fascinated by plant names. Some are Greek and some are Latin, whilst some only have common names. Most plants have two names, one is the family ...
By Patricia Jordan
Probably the most popular summer climber here is bougainvillea, which trails over walls, hedges and even up trees as the mass of bright-coloured papery bracts shield the ...
I wonder if you have heard of ‘Borrowing the landscape’! It’s a Japanese idea practised for centuries there and called ‘Shakkei’, where features such as far off mountains and ...
June sees temperatures rising rapidly and plants will probably need some extra watering, which will keep you busy until at least the end of October. It goes without saying that ...
April sees new growth and flowers in bloom
I love those old British sayings about the weather – ‘March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers’ and ‘a windy March ...
Plants must be carefully selected due to our different seasons
When I went to horticultural college over 40 years ago now, my aim was to grow my own shrubs and plants ...
Protect yourself in the garden with gloves
A recent report in the UK advised that gardeners there should not use glass greenhouses. I would suggest that this not such a ...