The decisive factor is the granting of exclusive possession for a fixed period at a stated consideration
There are many cases where there is confusion as to whether the legal ...
The licence is personal, non-assignable and non-inheritable and expires upon the death of the beneficiary
As part of its refugee housing policy, the state grants licences for the use of ...
Regulations over a year old stipulate those you cannot own. Why haven’t they been enforced?
By Charalampos Theopemptou
In March 2021, a tough new regulation came into force about the ...
A licence expires and is terminated upon the death of the licensee
The licence to use a property gives the licensee only the right to use it but does not ...
Acting as a real estate without being registered and holding a licence is illegal and the real estate agents council may apply to court for the issuance of a decree ...
A 20-year-old man received a €2,000 fine on Tuesday and had his licence revoked for two months after he was found driving almost double the speed limit earlier this month.
The ...