Four Famagusta district villages want the creation of a unified local authority to include the area’s four communities and five municipalities, a demand that is not in line with ...
Everyone agrees reform is vital so why do we need a referendum?
By George Koumoullis
In order to restore the mental balance of those that may have been worried about ...
The government’s plans to hold a referendum on local government reform on the same day as the parliamentary elections appear doomed after the House interior committee decided by majority ...
The government on Monday formally presented to parliament the question to be put in a single, island-wide referendum on the issue of local government reform, and urged MPs to “act ...
An island-wide referendum on local government reform will be held on the same day as the May 30 parliamentary elections, the Council of Ministers decided on Wednesday.
The decision was announced ...
Interior Minister Nicos Nouris said on Tuesday he planned to table a proposal for a referendum to be held on local authority reform whose discussion has been dragging on for ...
Local authority reform must be approved as soon as possible, Interior Minister Nicos Nouris, said on Tuesday, as he warned political parties that fiddling with its provisions would put the ...
The interior ministry has asked parties for time to consult with the attorney-general over legal and constitutional matters possibly emerging from the discussion in parliament of local authority reform.
Committee ...
Interior Minister Nicos Nouris warned on Tuesday that allowing referendums on the mergers of municipalities and local communities would tank the drive to reform local government.
“It will be chaos,” ...
Lawmakers on Monday wrapped up discussion of three government bills designed to overhaul local government, but not without first inserting an amendment which – from the government’s standpoint – could unravel ...
Interior Minister Nicos Nouris on Monday warned that Cyprus could risk losing out on hundreds of millions in EU grants unless it reforms local government along certain parameters.
Nouris informed ...
The union of municipalities warned on Thursday that the effort to reform local government sector was leading to failure, as more and more communities declare their opposition using various excuses, ...