The House on Thursday passed a bill that allows staff at the Electricity Authority (EAC) to keep all their current healthcare and other benefits should they decide to transfer to ...
The Cyprus transmission systems operator (TSO), on Tuesday clarified the reasons leading to power cuts over the weekend.
It is not always possible to make accurate minute-by-minute predictions in a ...
By the end of May all outstanding issues pertaining to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) must be resolved – a prerequisite for opening up the electricity market to competition – lawmakers said ...
Long-awaited regulations governing the hiring of staff by the Transmission System Operator – seen as the first step toward the eventual opening up of the electricity market – were submitted to parliament ...
The ever-elusive date for opening up the electricity market appears to have been pushed back to 2023, as among other things the necessary legal regulations have yet to be passed by ...
The platform for the competitive electricity market (CEM), which also includes the energy exchange, will be ready to operate by the fourth quarter of 2022, the Transmission System Operator (TSO) announced.