A new working group has been formed by the Union of Cyprus municipalities (UCM) to collaborate with the ministry of agriculture on implementing the “Pay as you throw” waste management ...
Cyprus has no means whatsoever of handling its waste stream, even if its collection was to be financed, experts and municipal officers admitted this week.
Their statements come in the ...
Things at Pentakomo waste management plant are getting worse by the day because the environment ministry and the involved departments are “refusing to take responsibility for their actions or inactions,” ...
A pilot scheme for the treatment of liquid hospital waste has been completed at the Larnaca hospital, removing huge amounts of pharmaceutical and pathogenic substances before they reach central sewerage ...
Larnaca municipality said on Tuesday it will introduce a Pay as You Throw waste management programme.
The announcement came as the municipality, which now encompasses Larnaca, Livadia and Oroklini, signed ...
Cyprus is lagging behind and will find it difficult to reach targets
The most important step in waste management is reducing waste or as the EU puts it, taking measures ...
Cyprus in 2020 ranked seventh highest in the EU in terms of the per capita production of municipal solid waste, according to just-released data.
The Statistical Service said that in 2020, the ...
Let’s talk about trash because the waste crisis is unfortunately thriving in Cyprus. With this in mind, City Friends Club is launching a new series of meetups dedicated to ...
The House on Thursday passed regulations relating to the management of municipal waste, including for the ‘pay-as-you-throw’ scheme.
The pay-as-you-throw scheme, and the related obligations of all municipal authorities, will ...
The House environment committee on Wednesday said it would look at the costs borne by the public when it comes to municipal waste management by local authorities.
The issue was ...
By Sabrina Chakori, Ammar Abdul Aziz, Martin Calisto Friant and Russell Richards
You pick up a piece of plastic litter from the beach, and get a small buzz. You’ve ...
By Kyriaki Christodoulou
Cyprus produced 543,000 tonnes of solid waste in 2020, down 4.9 per cent on the 571,000 the previous year, the Cyprus News Agency’s Kyriaki Christodoulou reported on Friday — World Recycling ...
A recycling programme has yet to be implemented there: it is burying almost all its solid waste
Recycling in Paphos is falling dismally short of what is expected in Europe ...
Authorities are investigating how piles of used coronavirus rapid test kits ended up illegally dumped near a riverbed in Strovolos rather being properly disposed of by specialist companies, Environment Commissioner ...
A project in Cyprus aims to reduce and reuse the waste produced by the construction industry – and in the process, help to create safer and better insulated buildings.
The method ...
Paphos municipality said on Friday it has removed 300 20-tonne trucks of construction and other waste from various areas in the town in recent days as part of a cleaning campaign.