About 33,000 Cypriots have received the Covid-19 vaccine in less than two months, the health ministry said on Saturday.

Between December 27 and February 5, a total of 32,837 people were vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine nationwide.

Of those, 22,813 people above the age of 80 received the first dose. Another 10,024 health professionals and care home residents and staff have received both doses of the jab.

Vaccinations for the second dose to those over 80 has already started and appointments are scheduled after people receive the first dose, the ministry said.

“Citizens belonging to the age group that has a priority for vaccination are advised to make an appointment at the next available time slot so there is a continuous flow in vaccination centres,” it added. Starting Saturday, 10,058 appointments are available for people over 80 who did not have a chance to get vaccinated. Mobile units also perform vaccinations in remote areas.

Meanwhile, vaccinations continue in private and state hospitals and care homes.

The ministry reiterated its aim is to vaccinate people over 75 years of age with the first dose as well as health professionals this month.

At the same time, the vaccination of those belonging to specific groups at increased risk for serious illness will also begin following the recommendation of the ad hoc committee that has been set up to determine how the vulnerable groups will be prioritised.