A specialised dog park has been created in Zakakiou, Limassol, which will cater to the “daily increase in the number of dog owners”, the municipality of Limassol said on Monday.
The park is 8,000 square meters and has grass, trees and dog training equipment – ramps, tunnels and so on.
The municipality said work on the park was carried out in consultation with various animal rights NGOs and state veterinarians.
It appears that there are quite a few rules, however: it will be closed on Thursdays, a winter timetable from November-April (open from 9am-5pm) and a summer schedule of May-October (open from 9am-7pm).
The dog park will also be split into three sections: section A – open space with dog toys (leash must be worn, 1,620sq.m), section B – open space for dogs (leash required, 4,800sq.m) and finally, section C – open space for dogs without a leash (1,650sq.m).
The main person in charge of the dog must also be over the age of 15, take responsibility for their dog’s behaviour, use leashes where necessary and clean up any of their dog’s waste. They will also need to have their dogs’ medical booklet available.
Dogs which are ill, have an aggressive temper or are still within their nursing phase are not allowed inside the park.
Pit Bulls, American Pit Bulls, Japanese Tosca, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brazileiro are not allowed in the park either.
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