The ministry of health on Friday published some reminders with regards to the coronavirus measures that will be in force during the Easter weekend.

The country is in strict lockdown until May 9 in an effort to slow down Covid infections and lower hospitalisation rates.

The ministry’s clarifications are as follows:

  1. On Holy Saturday, and only on the specific day, the curfew will be extended to 1am Sunday morning to facilitate the movement of worshippers to and from church. On all other days the curfew will start at 9pm.
  2. Only on Easter Sunday, members of the public are allowed two outings lasting up to three hours each, corresponding to two text messages to 8998. These can be:
    • For different outings, e.g. sending a category 5 text to visit friends/family at noon, then a category 6 text to go for a walk in the afternoon
    • The same, for two different points in the day, e.g. sending a category 5 text to visit friends/family at noon, and later sending the same text to go help someone in need
    • The same for recurring time periods (time extension) e.g. sending a category 5 text to visit friends/family, and sending the same text in order to be able to stay for 3 more hours

For all three cases, each individual is entitled to six hours out in total. On every other day of lockdown, only one text per day is allowed.

  1. Only on Easter Sunday, members of more than one family will be allowed to gather in homes provided they do not exceed 10 persons, including minors. On all other days, visiting other houses is forbidden.
  2. Overnight stays at holiday homes or second homes, both within the same district and in different districts, will be allowed throughout lockdown, up until May 9. On 8998 this will correspond to category 8. In addition, movement can be completed on the same day (within 3 hours) or the next day, always adhering to the curfew hours (9pm-5am). In the case of an overnight stay, the ministry reminded that a category 8 text must be sent to 8998.