Folk tales are filled with rich imagery, local quirks and sweet life lessons. Each culture has its own way of telling a story that make sense for its locals. In the telling of any tale though it’s the charming art of oral storytelling that captivates audiences and brings a story to life. An upcoming event in Paphos celebrates International Museum Day with a live performance of a Cypriot folk tale.

The Triplets and the Apple Tree’s Dragon will be presented on May 23 by The Majestic Music Tree, just five days after International Museum Day. The performance will take place at the Paphos Archaeological Museum and takes place in collaboration with the Antiquities Department. Accompanied by live traditional music, the performance is based on a Cypriot tale that was collected by Lambros Polycarpou, which was told by his own grandfather who was gifted the tale from his grandfather and so on. Passed down from generation to generation, the tale is believed to be three centuries old and has also been turned into a book with prints by well-respected Cypriot printmaker Hambis Tsangaris.

On May 23, at 12pm at the museum Elenitsa Georgiou of The Majestic Music Tree will deliver the tale through her own way of oral storytelling, accompanied by live harp, Cretan lyra and percussions by Christina Polycarpou as well as interactive activities for the audience in an event that cherishes old traditions and local art.

The Triplets and the Apple Tree’s Dragon

Performance of a Cypriot folk tale with live traditional music. In celebration of International Museum Day and in collaboration with the Antiquities Department. May 23. Paphos Archaeological Museum, Paphos. 12pm- 12.45pm. Free. Limited seats. Booking at 26-955801