Under the pandemic conditions of the last 14 months women have taken on a disproportionate burden largely because they are in the majority in working roles in the front line, Labour Minister Zeta Emilianidou said on Sunday, international Mother’s Day.

“We respectfully recognise, honour and admire the hard work, passion and dynamism of the Cypriot mother,” she said, adding that the current government has put the support of women, mothers and the family as one if its priorities. Over recent years, she said, the government has put in place important qualities, including:- Reintroducing benefits for large families- Increased the limit for the provision of child benefit, and put in place a sliding amount according to income

– Introduced paid paternity leave of two weeks

– Extended maternity leave for those giving birth to multiples

– Recognised through the law the right of mothers who adopt to have the same legal rights and benefits of those giving birth

– Secured the payment of child benefit even to those who have to accompany a child abroad for medical reasons

– Continue to provide necessary items to families who cannot afford them when they have a child.

– We have put in place the free transport of children from large families to school, except for the first child

– Set up the Home for Mothers and the Home for Children

In addition, at the recent European meeting in Portugal President Anastasiades proposed significant investment and the adoption of policies to help the family and recognise the equality between men and women.

“On this symbolic day we express our appreciation for and our thanks to all mothers and to reassure them that we will continue our policies to substantially support them”.