The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has detailed that action taken concerning a copycat website hosted in India.
The case was first reported on August 12, when it emerged that an impostor website of the main CySEC page had been setup.
Demetra Kalogerou, head of CySEC, told CNA on Thursday that the incident has been reported to the police cybercrime unit.
She further added that alerts had been issued through the IOSCO investor alert portal and international supervisory authorities were made aware of the incident.
Kalogerou said that CySEC also contacted the foreign ministry and the consumer protection service to further boost the alert through their communication channels abroad.
The full announcement initially released by CySEC on the matter follows:
Imposter Website in India posing as real CySEC Website
12 August 2021
CySEC urges the public to careful and vigilant
NICOSIA – The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (‘CySEC’) would like to draw the attention of the public to the fact that, its website has been copied illegally by another website hosted by a company based in India, resembling that of the real CySEC website.
The CySEC’s main website address is while the illegal website that copies CySEC is This website is a scam and not associated with CySEC. Another distinction is that all the announcements on the website that illegally copies that of CySEC are only until October 2020. The real CySEC website has announcements up until this month, August 2021.
Therefore, the public is urged to be very careful and to make sure that it is linked to the official CySEC website, especially in case of payments that need to be made for exams or other purposes through JCC, as well as for licensed entities under the supervision of CySEC.
CySEC is taking all the appropriate actions for the safeguard its legitimate interests.
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