Suffering personal injury as a result of someone else’s negligence is a traumatic experience, often causing lots of pain and financial stress. When this happens, you’ll likely want to seek out the services of a personal injury lawyer.

However, when you’re under so much stress and going through a tough situation it can be tough to discern which lawyers are quality and which are not. Thankfully there are a few steps you can take to ensure you end up with quality representation.

Here’s how to find a good personal injury lawyer…

Take referrals

You likely won’t have a personal injury lawyer in mind when you first begin your search, so you’ll have to rely on referrals from other people to find a quality match. The first people you should turn to during your search are friends and family, as they are people who you trust and whose opinions you value. Acquaintances and co-workers could also provide good referrals if you’re comfortable talking about your situation with them.

Finally, you could research online to see if there are any good reviews and referrals from other users. Accumulating all of these referrals can help you pinpoint a few quality lawyers, helping you narrow down your search.

Check experience

If you want a quality personal injury lawyer that can help with your case, then you should make sure you double-check their experience and see if they have handled a similar case in the past.

Personal injury covers a wide section of the law, and each lawyer has their own experiences and specialties. A lawyer that has handled many similar cases to your own before will likely know exactly what to do, while one that hasn’t dealt with a similar case may struggle throughout the process. A lawyer might have glowing reviews, but if they don’t have the right experience they might not be for you.

Schedule a consultation

Most lawyers offer a free consultation with prospective clients, allowing them to see if they are the right fit for them. During this time, you can ask several questions and get a good feel for how a lawyer would handle your case.

A consultation is extremely valuable, as it is essentially a free trial for your lawyer. If a lawyer offers you a free consultation before you’re required to commit, then you should always take advantage of it to see what you’re getting yourself into.

Be open and honest

A key part of finding a good personal injury lawyer is being open and honest with them from the beginning. You need to establish trust between yourself and your representation in order for it to work. This means that you need to be open about what your expectations and goals are for the case, allowing your lawyer to tailor the way they approach the case to your expectations.

Additionally, you need to be completely honest with what happened during your personal injury, covering all of the important details, even if they paint you in a negative light. You don’t want your representation to be blindsided by a piece of missing information, so ensure that you establish trust and get everything out in the open from the get-go.