As the Coronavirus pandemic hit, life has changed for all of us. After spending most of two years inside, life is not what it used to be. Family celebrations such as birthdays, funerals, and weddings are celebrated differently now. During the pandemic, such events (if they happened at all) took place in a much-reduced setting. But celebrating smaller didn’t necessarily mean to be inferior. Many couples chose to get married in a more intimate setting when it came to weddings.

Now, as the pandemic fades away, we can see that some of these changes will prevail into the post-pandemic era. In this article, we will discuss a few of these.

It’s not about the number of guests

Pre-covid, there was a tendency to celebrate weddings on a massive scale – the more people, the better. However, during covid, weddings have taken place in a much smaller setting. Whether there are 300 guests or just 30 – it’s not about the number of people but about who is with you. Wedding Photographer Moritz has witnessed beautiful weddings with less than 20 guests. He says it’s not about the number of guests but who is there. Weddings can be unforgettable if only the immediate family and the closest friends are present. It didn’t need to be more. Before Covid, it was unlikely that a groom would sit with his dad with a drink and a cigar enjoying the sunset together.

More time for memorable moments

Pre-pandemic weddings were often rushed, no matter how well-planned they were. The wedding day would start early in the morning as the bride and her friend are getting ready. The rest of the day would be one event following the next – scheduled down to the minute. There would be little time for natural and unscripted encounters. Instead, there would be a wedding planner with a ticking clock making sure everything happens as planned.

Small-scale celebrations

Couples became creative as civil weddings were becoming smaller by law. Instead of spending a loud and busy morning with ten girls in a small hotel room, brides got ready just with their mums and a best friend. The wedding ceremony had to be limited to just 20 attendees. This meant that all guests knew each other. Every person, every single face, and every smile was more beautiful. It was more distilled than diluted. The wedding receptions had to be downsized. Instead of large rooms filled with tables and hundreds of guests, the couples spent their wedding receptions with just 20 guests or less. The settings were intimate – cosy instead of loud.

The latest approaches to celebrating weddings

Now that couples have seen both conventional and covid weddings, they can rethink their wedding plans from scratch. Any expectations from the pre-covid era do not apply anymore. A new era of celebrations has begun. Couples are now free to reimage their wedding. They are free to decide for themselves what really matters to them.

Free from expectations

Wedding planners can confirm that couples have turned their back on the classic approach of getting ready, an elaborate ceremony, photos and a large scale reception. Instead, they opt for a small-scale approach with fewer guests. They plan their wedding day around whatever activity they like. Wanna celebrate your wedding with a day at the beach? Totally fine! Prefer a cosy sunset over a disco party? Also fine! Burgers instead of a three-course meal. Check. The lockdown restrictions have broken the ice for couples to follow their own individual wedding dreams.

Dare to be different

We all agree that Covid was terrible. But in hindsight, it might turn out that it has changed us as people for the better. As people, we have realised the value of human connections – especially at celebrations such as weddings. And it’s human connections that should be in the spotlight at any wedding. It’s not about following a preset schedule (that your wedding planner or venue might present) but your individual wishes how you would like to spend the happiest day of your life together with the people you love.

Ditch Instagram

It used to be cool to plan your wedding using Instagram and Pinterest. It had to look pristine. The pandemic has turned this upside down. As we ‘awake’ again, we realise that priorities have shifted. Nowadays, it’s not about how it looks, but rather, how it feels. Creating memories is now more meaningful than creating instagram type pictures. It’s time to reinvent traditions based on humanity, emotions, and connections away from expectations or ‘perfect’ photos.

A new and true wedding dawn has just begun!

Photographs by Surrey wedding photographer Moritz Schmittat. Visit Website here