A group of Ukrainians protested Russia’s war in Ukraine on Saturday in Kato Polemidia as a pro-Russian event was taking place with hundreds of Russian and Cypriot nationals.
The scheduled event in support of the Russian federation started in the morning with people driving from Larnaca to Limassol.
They met at Themistokleio sports centre parking space in Kato Polemidia, waving Russian flags.
A banner on one car read “no lies in mass media” with red letters and in Russian “together we are strong” in the place of registration plate numbers.
They claimed Russia did not invade Ukraine nor did they start the war, but instead are trying to remove Nazi elements from the region.
A few metres further along in the same parking lot, a small group of Ukrainians held their country’s flags.
There was heavy police presence on site who intervened when tensions rose between the two groups after Ukrainians allegedly tried to remove banners from Russian cars.
Participants in the pro-Russian event were expected to drive across Franklin Roosevelt Avenue towards Saint Raphael hotel.
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