President Nicos Anastasiades on Monday said he would not hear suggestions from those who want to create difficulties within the national health scheme Gesy.
“There will not be any changes or interferences in Gesy, I want to make it clear,” the president said.
“Gesy is here to stay. Everyone in Cyprus contributed to the creation of the system. We will adjust where needed in order to offer the public the best possible care there is.”
He was speaking after taking part in a general meeting of civil servants union Pasydy and addressed the calls for a clean sweep of the national health system made by the health insurance organisation (HIO).
Last week, HIO said that the abuse of Gesy by providers and beneficiaries is one of the most serious problems facing the national health system.
In its campaign against abuse of the system, the HIO has so far investigated “tens” of cases of doctors, pharmacists and other providers and has suspended or terminated contracts, issued recommendations and administrative fines in more than 43 cases. It has also rejected claims in excess of €3m.
Despite the heavy claims, Anastasiades said he is not considering a reshuffle of the national health system.
“Compared to other systems that have been implemented over the year, Gesy is special, it is ambitious, but efficient at the same time. That said, we will intervene wherever we need to in order to systematically improve it,” Anastasiades said.
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