The House environment committee on Wednesday said it would look at the costs borne by the public when it comes to municipal waste management by local authorities.

The issue was brought before the committee by member Nicos Kettiros of Akel, who told reporters after the session that the committee waited for the new regulations to be submitted to determine the responsibilities of local authorities when it comes to the management of their municipal waste.

“We are concerned as to whether the new legislation will initially cost the public, but in light of recent universal price increases we are obliged to find ways to limit any additional burdens to consumers”.

The committee is more focused on cultivating an environmental consciousness rather than imposing fines, he said, therefore information campaigns are imperative as part of the obligations arising from the legislation.

“For Akel it is important to clarify issues surrounding mountainous areas, particularly what this will cost them and what kind of support they will get,” he added. “We also have questions with regards to social benefits recipients and low-income pensioners”.

The committee is ready to take the issue seriously and submit proposals that will not burden the public, he said.

Using Aglandjia municipality as an example, Kettiros said solid waste must be sorted at the source, which on one hand is effective and on the other hand costs more as it requires using multiple bags at a time.

“This will be costly to people because they will have to buy the bag at a set price,” he said, adding that the measure does not distinguish between large families or low-income pensioners and benefits recipients.

While these social groups must not suffer extra costs, it would not be fair for the rest of the public to do so, “especially considering the pan-European crisis and price hikes all households are subject to,” he said.