Interior Minister Nicos Nouris has tested positive for Covid, the second time since the start of the pandemic.
In a post on Twitter, he said that he had no symptoms and that he would carry out his duties from home, as provided for in relevant protocols.
Nouris caught Covid for the first time in January of this year.
Έχω διαγνωστεί σήμερα θετικός για 2η φορά στον #κορωνοϊό, ευτυχώς χωρίς συμπτώματα. Θα εκτελώ τα καθήκοντα μου απο το σπίτι όπως προνοούν τα #υγειονομικά #πρωτόκολλα.
— Nicos Nouris (@NourisNicos) May 29, 2022
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