Approximately 275,400 taxpayers submitted their 2021 income tax returns by the closing date of August 31, but some 4,300 statements are still pending and liable to €100 fine.

“Even though the number of taxpayers who processed their individual income statement for the tax year 2021 moved to the same levels as the number of taxpayers who processed their last year’s statement by the deadline, the number of taxpayers who submitted their final 2021 declarations compared to the 2020 declaration has increased,” tax commissioner Sotiris Markidis told CNA

Markidis said that until August 31, the last date for employees to submit their returns, approximately 279,700 people had processed the statement, of which 275,400 taxpayers –248,700 employees and 26,700 self-employed – were fully completed.

But approximately 4,300 remain in the temporary receipt section of the online system.

“The Tax Department is very satisfied with the increase in the number of individual declarations 2021 that were submitted on time, as well as the entire process of submitting the declaration,” the tax commissioner said.

But Markidis warned that as of September 1, all those with a gross income of more than €19,500, and who have not filed a return will be fined €100.