The Grammar School Nicosia organised the 22nd annual event of Road Safety Week, which aims to raise awareness and inform students about road safety issues.

The event joined the 60th anniversary of the founding of the school.

Police Chief Stylianos Papatheodorou announced the commencement of the work of the Road Safety Week in a ceremony which was held on Monday, November 7, 2022. Meanwhile, students who participated in competitions, such as drawing and writing regarding road safety issues and behaviour, were awarded prizes.

During Road Safety Week, the Grammar School and Grammar Junior School students had the opportunity to attend speeches and seminars about road safety from relevant bodies, such as George Maurikios, the SupportCy organisation, Andrea Papa, as well as to watch a demonstration by the Z group of the police.

A member of the European Road Safety Charter, the Grammar School Nicosia has been awarded the Road Safety Flag by the Reaction, Youth for Prevention organisation within the framework of the Phaethon-Tassos Mitsopoulos National road safety training program. The program targets young people aged 2 to 20 years old and schools with an active role in road safety.