Memorial services were held to honour victims of traffic accidents across Cyprus on Sunday, the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

At events held in Paphos and the metropolis of Tamasos on Sunday, police and motorists’ groups held remembrance services at churches.

In Paphos the memorial was held with the cooperation of the municipality youth board, the local police, the group Round Table-7, and community police.

On the part of the youth board, Yiorgos Tsielepos said that the international day had been created in 1993 and is held every year on the third Sunday of November.

According to Tsielepos, worldwide every day around 4,000 people that lose their lives in traffic accidents, while in Cyprus the last 20 years, almost every household knows someone who has died in a traffic accident.

Another service was also held in Tamasos with members of the police and the motorcyclists Star Club Cyprus Chapter 1999.

The group ‘Right to Life’, made up of individuals that have lost family members in traffic accidents, also supported the memorial service.