Let’s talk about trash because the waste crisis is unfortunately thriving in Cyprus. With this in mind, City Friends Club is launching a new series of meetups dedicated to discussions on waste and pollution on the island, talking about possible solutions and what business opportunities the crisis can provide.
The first Trash Talk event will take place on December 15 at Limassol Agora at 6.30pm with the title ‘Waste is all around’. The talk will explore where waste is taken and why a significant part of it remains on the city streets and in the countryside. The event will also touch on recycling and household waste and if the zero-waste concept can be a solution.
Four speakers will lead the conversation: Marios Polymniou, a Project Manager at City Friends Club which is a Limassol-based charity and NGO organisation on a mission to make Cyprus clean, Andreas Kallis, the Managing Director at Greenpack Cyprus Ltd, a pioneering company in waste paper recycling in Cyprus, Kyriacos Theocharous, a Supervising Engineer at Limassol’s Board of MSW Management (Green Points) and Kristina Cernakevica, the co-founder at αgnό zero-waste grocery store.
The afternoon will begin with presentations and a Q&A session, followed by a quiz with prizes and a networking afterparty with DJ Germes. Talking about the event, the organisers say: “The problem of garbage and its sorting is acute all over the world. Governments are allocating huge budgets trying to get out of the garbage crisis, but which of these solutions are truly innovative, and which are essentially no different from sweeping dirt under the carpet? Fragile island ecosystems like Cyprus need our care even more than the mainland. Will the waste sorting plant on the island be able to solve the problem? And who will get the huge EU budgets allocated to the ‘pay as you throw’ system?
“World eco-industry experts, business analysts, investors and residents,” they conclude, “will gather to search for relevant solutions, analyse the recycling market, and discuss business and charitable ideas at a series of our meetups.”
Trash Talks
Event with speakers addressing waste in Cyprus. December 15. Limassol Agora, Limassol. 6.30pm. Facebook event: Trash Talk #1: Waste is all around!
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