Scouting, the largest voluntary youth movement in the country, is celebrating 110 years on New Years Day.

Cyprus scouts’ association will hold a series of activities and events to mark this significant anniversary on January 1. Those will be published on the website of the association.

The events will come to be added to over 200 weekly activities which are offered to thousands of scouts across the island thank to the tireless efforts of adult volunteers, the association added.

“Scouting is the largest and most active global, educational and voluntary, non-political youth movement,” a relevant statement said.

Scouts are primarily active in nature, using in the context of informal education, the Scout Method, a programme of informal learning. This includes interrelated elements where personal progress is encouraged through learning by doing and participation in small groups, in nature and through interaction with society.


All this is done with a common reference point the Scout Promise and the Scout Law.

“The Scout Promise pushes each Scout individually to do their best. It is a Promise that acts as a guide to universal values,” the announcement said. This promise, or oath, guides us to be open to the many different beliefs that exist in the world, to appreciate the impact that each of us has on our local communities and therefore to leave the world, in the words of the founder of Scouting, “[…] a little better than we found it”.

Along with the Promise, every Scout agrees to live according to the values of the Scout Law: to respect everything in nature, to do what is right and to believe in oneself.

picture11To date, the scout movement has over 57 million members across the world.

It began activities on August 1, 1907 in the Brownsea Island in England, testing and putting into practice the idea of the founder of scouting, Robert Baden-Powell. In Cyprus scouts first appear around 1913, the association said, celebrating this year 110 years of presence and practical social contribution.

Many of the movement’s values were established more than a century ago, but as they are described as universal, they are, and will remain, relevant. The promotion of friendship, peace, health, peace, solidarity and cooperation at all levels, the cultivation of environmental awareness, are just a few of them, the association said.

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